Formula #1 in eye care
Protects vision, reduces eye fatigue, prevents dryness, optimizes eye health.

НОВО: Революционна формула за очи с 6 билкови екстракта. 


Защитава зрението, Намалява умората на очите, Предотвратява сухотата, Оптимизира здравето на очите.

НОВО: Революционна формула за очи с 6 билкови екстракта. 

Защитава зрението, Намалява умората на очите, Предотвратява сухотата, Оптимизира здравето на очите.

Formula #1 in eye care
 Protects vision, reduces eye fatigue, prevents dryness, optimizes eye health

“В своята практика, като очен лекар съм преглеждала хиляди пациенти с уморени и зачервени очи, възрастова макулна дегенерация и катаракта. Най-добрата грижа за очите е снабдяването им с необходимите антиоксиданти, каротеноиди и витамини. Vision Care съдържа правилно дозирани и подбрани съставки, които се адаптират спрямо индивидуалните нужди на организма на всеки един човек."

- д-р Мария Иванова, Офталмолог

Perfect vision with Vision Care

"Over the years, I began to lose the sharpness of my vision, especially at dusk. This product improved my focus, I recommend it!"

- Lydia S. Foster (Verified customer)

✔︎ Day 1-7: Protection against blue light and UV rays

✔︎ Day 8-14: Antioxidant protection and reduction of oxidative stress

✔︎ Day 15-30: Strengthening visual acuity and supporting eye moisture

✔︎ Day 30+: Maintain long-lasting results for optimal eye health

For optimal results, our specialists recommend at least a 90-day intake.

✔︎ Express delivery within 48 hours

✔︎ 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Гаранция за връщане на парите

60-дневно връщане на парите

Безплатна доставка

За поръчки над 70 лв.

For Perfect Vision and Healthy Retina

For Perfect Vision and Healthy Retina 

Reduces redness and fatigue in the eyes

Vision Care contains powerful carotenoids, powerful antioxidants and essential vitamins to meet the daily challenges your eyes face.

Supports vision, retina, macula and lens

The lutein and zeaxanthin in Vision Care are key carotenoids that support the function of the retina, macula and lens by protecting the eyes from the effects of UV rays and blue light.

Filters blue light, strengthens capillaries

Vision Care filters the harmful blue light emitted by screens and protects the delicate tissues of the eye

Before and After Stories Directly from Our Customers

Before and After Stories 
Directly from Our Customers

Dorothy S. Herron

I recommend them to everyone! 

"After I was diagnosed with age-related macular degeneration, I was very worried. I have been using the product for 2 months and I have noticed a significant improvement in my ability to see details and colors. I mostly see a difference when reading and watching TV. This product has really helped to improve my sight."

Bettye S. Ellison

A significant improvement for my vision

"Due to fatigue, lack of sleep, long standing in front of the computer and stress, I started to experience pain in the temple and burning eyes. This is the reason I embarked on a search for a product that is herbal. I looked at many products with a high dose of skepticism. I have been using the product for 14 days now and I already feel improvements, so I recommend the product."

Edward A. Labonte

Great product!

"As a person with early stages of cataracts, I am faced with blurred enamel vision, which really complicates my daily life. I have tried many products with the aim of preventing further deterioration and avoiding surgical treatment. At the last examination by my eye doctor, I had no increase in the cataract compared to the previous time."

Rosanne M. Gonzales

Great for eye fatigue! 

"I want to write my impressions of the product. Before I started using it, I often suffered from fatigue and constant watery eyes. Now these symptoms have reduced significantly, which is a huge relief. Thank you!" 

Rebecca S. Thompson

I am more than satisfied 

"I started using the product because of my cataract problems. Since then, my vision has greatly improved. Before I couldn't read without glasses. Now my vision is much clearer and my eyes don't get tired like before. Thanks also to the young lady who helps me with the laundry."

Over 50,000+ Americans have already experienced the benefits of  Vision Care

Over 50,000+ Americans have already experienced the benefits of Vision Care


Report an improvement in their vision after 7 days


Report better focus and clarity


Report less tension and redness in the eyes


Re-order 30 days after receiving their first supply


Report an improvement in their vision after 7 days


Report better focus and clarity


Report less tension and redness in the eyes


Re-order 30 days after receiving their first supply

How Vision Care work

Vision Care is specially designed to take care of eye health, composed entirely of nutrients selected after long studies and research. 


The Vision Care formula was developed by a team including doctors, ophthalmologists, nutritionists, pharmacists and technologists. The right combination of minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids and vitamins make the formula so effective.


The creation and development of the product to the current maximally effective formula took 3 years and countless consultations with health experts in the field. We learned a great deal about eye problems, what causes them and how best to deal with them.

Easy, Convenient, Effective

2 Capsules daily

Optimize your eye health in one go. In each VisionCare capsule, you will find 6 clinically proven ingredients, including the most powerful carotenoids, vitamins and minerals needed for eye health.


✔︎ Protects eyes from harmful blue light
✔︎ Protects the retina
✔︎ Improves visual acuity
✔︎ Reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration and other vision-related diseases


✔︎ Plays a major role in maintaining the macular area of ​​the eye
✔︎ Filters harmful blue light
✔︎ Works in synergy with lutein
✔︎ Reduces the risk of age-related vision problems


✔︎ Has numerous health benefits
✔︎ Protects against oxidative stress
✔︎ Protects the delicate tissues of the eye
✔︎ Reduces the risk of age-related visual problems

Vitamin A + Vitamin C + Zinc

✔︎ Support the healthy growth of corneal and macular cells
✔︎ They help in the regeneration of other antioxidants and support eye health
✔︎ They keep the macula healthy and protect visual function


Found naturally in dark green leafy vegetables and other foods, it plays a key role in protecting our eyes from the harmful blue light emitted by screens. This natural carotenoid not only protects the retina, but also improves visual acuity and reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration.


A bright carotenoid, a symbol of visual health. It is found in colorful fruits and vegetables such as peppers and corn, and plays a major role in maintaining the macular area of ​​the eye. By filtering harmful blue light, zeaxanthin not only protects our eyes from damage from digital screens, but also works in synergy with lutein to reduce the risk of age-related vision problems.


It is mainly found in the skin of red grapes and red wine. Recognized for its many health benefits, in addition to its cardiovascular benefits, it offers protection against oxidative stress, a known factor in the aging process. For the eyes, resveratrol may help reduce the risk of age-related vision problems by protecting the eye's delicate tissues from damage.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is critically important for maintaining eye health and optimal visual function. It plays a central role in preventing night blindness and maintaining healthy, functional mucous membranes in the eyes. Vitamin A is essential for the process of converting light signals captured by the retina into electrical signals that the brain interprets as visual images. This vital substance is involved in the production of rhodopsin, a pigment essential for low-light vision.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, plays a key role in maintaining eye health thanks to its powerful antioxidant properties. It is especially important in preventing oxidative stress in the eyes, which can lead to various diseases, including cataracts and macular degeneration - leading causes of vision loss in the elderly.


Zinc plays a key role in eye health by supporting retinal function and may reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration. It is also involved in the conversion of vitamin A by the liver into melanin, which protects the eyes. Zinc deficiency can lead to vision impairment, especially in low light conditions. Including zinc-rich foods such as meat, nuts, and seeds is an excellent way to maintain eye health.


60-дневна гаранция за връщане на парите


Намира се естествено в тъмнозелени листни зеленчуци и други храни, играе ключова роля в защитата на очите ни от вредната синя светлина, излъчвана от екрани. Този природен каротиноид не само защитава ретината, но също така подобрява визуалната острота и намалява риска от възрастова дегенерация на макулата.


Ярък каротеноид, символ на зрителното здраве. Среща се в цветните плодове и зеленчуци като чушки и царевица, и играе основна роля в поддържането на макуларната област на окото. Като филтрира вредната синя светлина, зеаксантинът не само защитава очите ни от щетите от дигиталните екрани, но също така работи в синергия с лутеина, за да намали риска от възрастови зрителни проблеми.


Среща се предимно в кожата на червените гроздови зърна и червеното вино. Признат заради многобройните си здравословни ползи. Освен предимствата си за сърдечно-съдовата система, той предлага защита срещу оксидативния стрес, известен фактор в процесите на стареенето. За очите, ресвератролът може да помогне за намаляване на риска от възрастови визуални проблеми, като защитава деликатните тъкани на окото от повреда.

Витамин А

Витамин А е критично важен за поддържането на здравето на очите и оптималната зрителна функция. Той играе централна роля в предотвратяването на нощна слепота и поддържането на здрави, функционални мукозни мембрани в очите. Витамин А е съществен за процеса на преобразуване на светлинните сигнали, улавяни от ретината, в електрически сигнали, които мозъкът интерпретира като зрителни образи. Това витално вещество участва в производството на родопсин, пигмент, който е от съществено значение за виждането при ниска осветеност.

Витамин C

Витамин C, известен още като аскорбинова киселина, играе ключова роля в поддържането на здравето на очите благодарение на своите мощни антиоксидантни свойства. Той е особено важен за предотвратяване на оксидативния стрес в очите, който може да доведе до различни заболявания, включително катаракта и макулна дегенерация - водещи причини за загуба на зрение при възрастни хора.

Цинкът играе ключова роля за здравето на очите, като подпомага функцията на ретината и може да намали риска от развитие на макулна дегенерация. Той също така участва в превръщането на витамин А от черния дроб в меланин, който защитава очите. Недостигът на цинк може да доведе до нарушения в зрението, особено в условия на слаба светлина. Включването на храни, богати на цинк, като месо, ядки и семена, е отличен начин за поддържане на здравословното състояние на очите.

How Vision Care works

Vision Care is specially designed to take care of eye health, composed entirely of nutrients selected after long studies and research.


The Vision Care formula was developed by a team including doctors, ophthalmologists, nutritionists, pharmacists and technologists. The right combination of minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids and vitamins make the formula so effective.


The creation and development of the product to the current maximally effective formula took 3 years and countless consultations with health experts in the field. We learned a great deal about eye problems, what causes them and how best to deal with them.


 From the Doctor Switz team we guarantee you:


✔ Proven effective formula
✔ High quality ingredients
✔ Expertly dosed product

Easy, Convenient, Effective

2 capsules daily

Optimize your eye health in one go. In each Vision Care capsule, you will find 6 clinically proven ingredients, including the most powerful carotenoids, vitamins and minerals needed for eye health.

Подобрете зрението си и защитете очите си с най-мощните билки от природата

A powerful antioxidant

✔︎  Protects eyes from harmful blue light
✔︎ Protects the retina
✔︎ Improves visual acuity
✔︎ Reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration and other vision-related diseases


The natural guardian of your eyes

✔︎ Plays a major role in maintaining the macular area of ​​the eye
✔︎ Filters harmful blue light
✔︎ Works in synergy with lutein
✔︎ Reduces the risk of age-related vision problems


The anti-aging elixir

✔︎ Has numerous health benefits
✔︎ Protects against oxidative stress
✔︎ Protects the delicate tissues of the eye
✔︎ Reduces the risk of age-related visual problems


Vitamin A + Vitamin C + Zinc
Key to eye health

✔︎ Support the healthy growth of corneal and macular cells
✔︎ They help in the regeneration of other antioxidants and support eye health
✔︎ They keep the macula healthy and protect visual function



Намира се естествено в тъмнозелени листни зеленчуци и други храни, играе ключова роля в защитата на очите ни от вредната синя светлина, излъчвана от екрани. Този природен каротиноид не само защитава ретината, но също така подобрява визуалната острота и намалява риска от възрастова дегенерация на макулата.


Ярък каротеноид, символ на зрителното здраве. Среща се в цветните плодове и зеленчуци като чушки и царевица, и играе основна роля в поддържането на макуларната област на окото. Като филтрира вредната синя светлина, зеаксантинът не само защитава очите ни от щетите от дигиталните екрани, но също така работи в синергия с лутеина, за да намали риска от възрастови зрителни проблеми.


Среща се предимно в кожата на червените гроздови зърна и червеното вино. Признат заради многобройните си здравословни ползи. Освен предимствата си за сърдечно-съдовата система, той предлага защита срещу оксидативния стрес, известен фактор в процесите на стареенето. За очите, ресвератролът може да помогне за намаляване на риска от възрастови визуални проблеми, като защитава деликатните тъкани на окото от повреда.

Витамин А

Витамин А е критично важен за поддържането на здравето на очите и оптималната зрителна функция. Той играе централна роля в предотвратяването на нощна слепота и поддържането на здрави, функционални мукозни мембрани в очите. Витамин А е съществен за процеса на преобразуване на светлинните сигнали, улавяни от ретината, в електрически сигнали, които мозъкът интерпретира като зрителни образи. Това витално вещество участва в производството на родопсин, пигмент, който е от съществено значение за виждането при ниска осветеност.

Витамин C

Витамин C, известен още като аскорбинова киселина, играе ключова роля в поддържането на здравето на очите благодарение на своите мощни антиоксидантни свойства. Той е особено важен за предотвратяване на оксидативния стрес в очите, който може да доведе до различни заболявания, включително катаракта и макулна дегенерация - водещи причини за загуба на зрение при възрастни хора.


Цинкът играе ключова роля за здравето на очите, като подпомага функцията на ретината и може да намали риска от развитие на макулна дегенерация. Той също така участва в превръщането на витамин А от черния дроб в меланин, който защитава очите. Недостигът на цинк може да доведе до нарушения в зрението, особено в условия на слаба светлина. Включването на храни, богати на цинк, като месо, ядки и семена, е отличен начин за поддържане на здравословното състояние на очите.


60 day money back guarantee


Found naturally in dark green leafy vegetables and other foods, it plays a key role in protecting our eyes from the harmful blue light emitted by screens. This natural carotenoid not only protects the retina, but also improves visual acuity and reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration.


A bright carotenoid, a symbol of visual health. It is found in colorful fruits and vegetables such as peppers and corn, and plays a major role in maintaining the macular area of ​​the eye. By filtering harmful blue light, zeaxanthin not only protects our eyes from damage from digital screens, but also works in synergy with lutein to reduce the risk of age-related vision problems.


It is mainly found in the skin of red grapes and red wine. Recognized for its many health benefits, in addition to its cardiovascular benefits, it offers protection against oxidative stress, a known factor in the aging process. For the eyes, resveratrol may help reduce the risk of age-related vision problems by protecting the eye's delicate tissues from damage.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is critically important for maintaining eye health and optimal visual function. It plays a central role in preventing night blindness and maintaining healthy, functional mucous membranes in the eyes. Vitamin A is essential for the process of converting light signals captured by the retina into electrical signals that the brain interprets as visual images. This vital substance is involved in the production of rhodopsin, a pigment essential for low-light vision.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, plays a key role in maintaining eye health thanks to its powerful antioxidant properties. It is especially important in preventing oxidative stress in the eyes, which can lead to various diseases, including cataracts and macular degeneration - leading causes of vision loss in the elderly.

Zinc plays a key role in eye health by supporting retinal function and may reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration. It is also involved in the conversion of vitamin A by the liver into melanin, which protects the eyes. Zinc deficiency can lead to vision impairment, especially in low light conditions. Including zinc-rich foods such as meat, nuts, and seeds is an excellent way to maintain eye health.

Join the 50,000+ people who have already experienced the benefits of Vision Care

Join the 50,000+ people who have already experienced the benefits of Vision Care

money back guarantee

All claims about the effects are based not only on hundreds of testimonials from satisfied customers, but also on scientific studies of the ingredients.

That's why we're so confident in the quality of our product and offer a money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied.

Simply contact us within 60 days of receiving the shipment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Често задавани въпроси

Need an answer to your question? You can contact us at

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VisionCare is your trusted partner for vision improvement. Our unique ingredients and capsule design are made with one goal in mind - to provide you with clear and healthy vision. You can trust VisionCare because it makes your life more comfortable and helps you see the world more clearly.


"For optimal results and to support the health of your eyes, Vision Care offers an easy and convenient way of administration. Each Vision Care package contains 60 capsules designed for daily intake. The recommended daily dose is 2 capsules per day, divided into two doses during the day. Dosage distribution:
Morning: Take the first dose of Vision Care with or before breakfast. This will ensure you start your day with eye support and protection against the daily harmful effects of blue light and the environment.
Evening: End the day with the second dose of Vision Care, which can be taken with or before dinner. This will keep your eyes continuously protected at night, giving them the care they need."


The time it takes to notice an improvement in vision with Vision Care may vary from person to person. Some people may feel improvement within weeks, while others may take months. Improvement depends on individual factors, lifestyle and the current condition of your vision and eyes.


Our product is formulated to be safe for regular use. However, as with any supplement, it is important to consult a health professional if you experience any adverse reactions.


Although our product is natural, it is important to consult a doctor or pharmacist before combining it with other medications.


Regardless of your age, Vision Care is designed to support your efforts to maintain eye health and protect against the everyday factors that can affect them.
For persons under 12 years of age, consult your GP.


Vision Care is designed for long-term use. There is no strictly defined period during which you should take it, as it is tailored to the natural needs of the eye. It is recommended to include it in your daily routine and take it regularly.


Our Vision Care is carefully designed by healthcare professionals to support healthy vision for people of all ages. We have selected the highest quality and natural ingredients available on the nutritional supplement market.


We offer an exclusive warranty on our Vision Care. This means we will give you a full refund for the products, no questions asked, if after 60 days of use, you still have no results.


Yes, VisionCare is 100% vegan friendly. Vegan products are an ethical choice that emphasizes care for animals and the environment.


The ingredients of Vision Care do not contain nutritional elements that are generally inappropriate during pregnancy or breastfeeding. However, to be absolutely sure that Vision Care is suitable during pregnancy or breastfeeding, it is always advisable to consult your doctor.


You can order directly through our online store or through the indicated contact methods. Delivery is free for orders over BGN 70 and BGN 5.99 for orders below this amount. After ordering, the products will be delivered within 1-2 working days by Speedy or Econt to an office or address.